LK Gallery Premium Blogger Template

Template name : LK Gallery Premium

Template type : 2 Sidebar, 3 Column, 3 Column footer, Elegant, Fixed width, Gallery, Grey, Header Banner, Photoblog, Photography, Premium, Right Sidebar, Top Navigation Bar, Web 2.0, White, Featured Section, Slider

Release date : 03-29-2010

Coder/Designer Name(s) : Lasantha Bandara

Coder/Designer URL(s) :

Basic Instructions : How to install a Blogger template

Advanced Details :

Template Configuration

Template Features

Column: 3 Columns

2 Navigation Bar

1 Featured content slider

125*125 Banner Ads Section

468*60 Header Ads banner

468*60 Header Logo with the PSD file.

1 CSS Search Box

3 Column Footer section

Social Bookmarking Buttons/Badges(Twitter,Digg,StumbleUpon,Facebook) installed

SEO friendly blogger title hack installed

Meta tags installed

Top Bar with Subscribe buttons and Display Day,Month,Year

Template Customization

Configure Meta tags

Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below codes :

<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>
<meta content='never' name='Expires'/>
<meta content='INDEX,FOLLOW' name='Robots'/>
<meta content='4 Days' name='Revisit-after'/>


DESCRIPTION HERE:Write your blog description
KEYWORDS HERE:Write the keywords of your blog separated by comma.
AUTHOR NAME HERE:Write the author's name(Your name)

Configure First and Second Navigation Bar

Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below code :

<li><a href='Your-Link-Here' title='Link-Title'>Link-Name-X</a>

Now Replace Your-Link-Here,Link-Title,Link-Name-X with your details.

Configure Header logo

Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below code :

Now replace it with your logo address/url.

Configure Featured Content Slider

Login to your blogger dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML.Now Scroll down to where you see below code :

<div class='mytext'>
<h2><a href='#' title='#'>Avatar (2009 film)</a></h2>
<p>James Cameron&#39;s epic motion picture, Avatar - in cinemas December 18th worldwide. In the epic action adventure AVATAR, James Cameron, the director of &quot;Titanic,&quot; takes us to a spectacular new world beyond our imagination. On the distant moon Pandora, a reluctant hero embarks on a journey of redemption and discovery as he leads a heroic battle to save a civilization. [...]</p>

<img alt='' src=''/>

<div class='mytext'>
<h2><a href='#' title='#'>2012 Movie</a></h2>
<p>The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth&#39;s core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging [...]</p>

<img alt='' src=''/>

<div class='mytext'>
<h2><a href='#' title='#'>I am Legend Movie</a></h2>
<p>The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth&#39;s core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plungingThe novel&#39;s main character is Robert Neville, apparently the sole survivor of a pandemic the symptoms of which resemble vampirism. The author details Neville&#39;s [...]</p>

<img alt='' src=''/>

<div class='mytext'>
<h2><a href='#' title='#'>Transformer Movie</a></h2>
<p>Transformers is a 2007 live-action-thriller film adaptation of the Transformers franchise, directed by Michael Bay and written by John Rogers, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. It stars Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky, a teenager involved in a war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, two factions of alien robots who can disguise themselves by transforming into everyday machinery. The Decepticons desire control of the All Spark, the object that created their robotic race, with the intention of using it to build [...]</p>

<img alt='' src=''/>

<div class='mytext'>
<h2><a href='#' title='#'>Max Payne Game</a></h2>
<p>Max Payne is a BAFTA award winning[1] third-person shooter video game developed by Finnish Remedy Entertainment, produced by 3D Realms and published by Gathering of Developers in July 2001 for Windows. Ports later in the year for the Xbox, PlayStation 2 and the GameBoy Advance were published by Rockstar Games. A Macintosh port was published in July 2002 by MacSoft in[...]</p>

<img alt='' src=''/>

Now you can replace this content with your content.

More Details :

Configure 125*125 Ad Banners

Find below code in your template.

<!-- Banner -->
<div class='banner'>
<li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title=''><img alt='' src=''/></a></li>
<li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title=''><img alt='' src=''/></a></li>
<li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title=''><img alt='' src=''/></a></li>
<li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title=''><img alt='' src=''/></a></li>
<!-- /Banner -->

Now replace Images Address and Links with your content.

Note : If you want to remove this banners,then delete above code from your template and save your template.

Configure 468*60 Header Ad Banner

Find below code in your template.

<!--468*60 Banner Ad Start-->
<a href=''><img src=''/></a>
<!--468*60 Banner Ad End-->

Now replace the code between <!--468*60 Banner Ad Start--> and <!--468*60 Banner Ad End--> with your ad banner code/Google adsense code.

Important !!!:

Do not remove Footer Credits.

53 thoughts on “LK Gallery Premium Blogger Template

  1. hai, how can i edit social bookmarking so that it can match with my own account in facebook, twitter, and other.

    2nd question, how to put "like" button at the table because it can fiz with the size, the image show is also too big to show.

    please advise.

  2. hi!! Thanks for this awesome template but the recent posts isn't working or showing on my blog, Other feeds like recent posts aren't working as well.. plz Help!!!

  3. @kYoshiro

    To add a recent post widget use below code:

    <script language="JavaScript" src=";num=10" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Remember to replace YOURBLOG with your blog name.

    To add a popular post widget use below code:

    <script language='javascript'>
    aBold = true;
    home_page = "";
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
    var postTitlear=new Array();var postUrlar=new Array();var postCommentar=new Array();var totalpost;document.write("<ul>");function showrecentposts(j){var a=j.feed.entry.length;totalpost=a;for(var f=0;f<a;f++){var h=j.feed.entry[f];var c=h.title.$t;var b;var g;if(f==j.feed.entry.length){break}for(var d=0;d<;d++){if([d].rel=="alternate"){[d].href;break}}for(var d=0;d<;d++){if([d].rel=="replies"&&[d].type=="text/html"){[d].title.split(" ")[0];break}}c=(aBold)?"<b>"+c+"</b>":c;postTitlear.push(c);postUrlar.push(g);postCommentar.push(b)}sortPosts();for(var f=0;f<maxshowresult;f++){var e='<li><a href="'+postUrlar[f]+'" class="recent-link">'+postTitlear[f]+" ("+postCommentar[f]+" comments)</a>";document.write(e)}}function sortPosts(){function c(d,f){var e=postTitlear[d];postTitlear[d]=postTitlear[f];postTitlear[f]=e;var e=postUrlar[d];postUrlar[d]=postUrlar[f];postUrlar[f]=e;var e=postCommentar[d];postCommentar[d]=postCommentar[f];postCommentar[f]=e}for(var b=0;b<postTitlear.length-1;b++){for(var a=b+1;a<postTitlear.length;a++){if(parseInt(postCommentar[b])<parseInt(postCommentar[a])){c(b,a)}}}}document.write('<script src="'+home_page+"feeds/posts/default?max-results="+numposts+'&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentposts"><\/script>');

    Remember to replace YOURBLOG with your blog name.

    To add a recent comments widget use below code:

    <script language="JavaScript" src=";num=10&amp;utf=y" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Remember to replace YOURBLOG with your blog name.

  4. nice template .....
    I have the question, how to eliminate the words that exist in this picture, because your template automatically establish a new line again with the same words.
    and how to make the existing gallery on the homepage can move automatically?
    Thank you

  5. @Jim

    To Remove header banner,remove this:

    <!--468*60 Banner Ad Start-->
    <a href=''><img src=''/></a>
    <!--468*60 Banner Ad End-->

    To Remove sidebar banners,remove this:

    <table align='center'><tr><td>
    <!-- Banner -->
    <div class='banner'>
    <li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title=''><img alt='' src=''/></a></li>
    <li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title=''><img alt='' src=''/></a></li>
    <li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title=''><img alt='' src=''/></a></li>
    <li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title=''><img alt='' src=''/></a></li>
    <!-- /Banner -->

  6. @ Jim,

    Read the instruction here:

  7. Plsss you can yoy tell us how to modify the template to have "pages" becaouse we made some changes to template and don`t want to lose if I install the new version.

  8. What kind of modifications do we have to do for the "pages" function to work, without installing the template again and lose all the modifications done till now?

  9. hey lasantha,
    can i know any way to increase the homepage blog entries to more than 6?
    and also, at different times, mine goes to 4 entries, 2 entries and soo oN can i know y?

  10. Wow i love the template and i know a bit of coding but i cannot find how to change the color of the tile of the post themselves. Please let me know where i can do this. Thax

  11. Hi How are you? While I have installed this templante and the problem is the following set eh 20 tickets may be visible on the HOME and only me sometimes appear 4 9, 6, and so on.
    The question is: how to solve this problem is site is a site in Spanish, but quickly realize what I'm talking about. At last you can add me to msn await your response: D

  12. Hello thank you for the very impressive template. I installed it 3 days ago, and I'm improving it. However i've got some problems with the dates : The date of the posts (in the middle of the body) is completly at the left without any padding. ¿How can adjust this date?
    Another thing: in blogs archives the rectangular shape is not centered (how can I fix that?) Thank you for your help.

  13. Theme is great

    I have few problem.

    * What code is to be removed to remove first nav bar

    * How to insert my feeds instead of PBtemplates?


  14. hello mr Lasantha, thanks for all your templates. I got a serius problem: I did some changes on this template and know it doesnt appear propely in Internet Explorer (Chrome is ok) and I cant figure out why one navigator is good and the on other is horrible. How Can I fix it. Thank you very much!


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